Alcohol120% v1.9.8.7421 繁體中文正式版(燒錄極品軟體)
1 關掉防毒軟體
2 將Alcohol.exe 與 alcohol__.exe 複製到安裝檔裡面
3 將名稱 1.reg 2.reg 的登入檔點兩下安裝
4 開起酒精
5 開起防毒軟體
6 關閉酒精 再重新開起
兼具光碟燒錄與虛擬光碟功能的軟體 - Alcohol 120%,最大的特色是:可以破解防拷光
碟、製作/燒錄光碟映像檔、CDR/DVD 燒錄。
最多可以建立 31 個虛擬 CD&DVD-ROM,模擬 200X 光碟讀取速度,支援多種光碟燒錄方
式:Session-At-Once、Disc-At-Once、RAW Session- At-Once、RAW Session- At-Once
+ SUB、RAW Disc- At-Once (with full PQ/R-W sub-code support)。
Changes in version, 2009-02-24:
- NEW Improved Dumping/Burning engine more stability and speed
- NEW UAC (User Account Control) is fully supported in Vista.
- NEW iSCSI sharing center will now notify the user if windows native
firewall is on and enable the user to add it into the exception list
- NEW Vista SP2 Beta fully supported
- FIX Addressed some blacklisting problems
- FIX Bugs reported by some users
- FIX Problem, where some Drives were not showing the correct manufacture
ID of blank Media.
- UPDATE Some language files
- UPDATE Devsupp additional support for more drives
Alcohol120 retail v2.0.0.1331 繁體中文/簡體中文/英文正式版(方便你對光碟及映像檔的管理軟體)
Alcohol120% v2.0.1.2033 繁體中文/英文正式版(兼具光碟燒錄與虛擬光碟功能的軟體)
Alcohol120% v2.0.1.2031 繁體中文/簡體中文/英文正式版(光碟燒錄軟體)
Alcohol120% v1.9.6.5429 繁體中文正式版(光碟燒錄的軟體)
Alcohol120% v1.9.8.7612 繁體中文正式版(兼具光碟燒錄與虛擬光碟功能的軟體)
Alcohol120% v7.0 繁體中文正式版(光碟燒錄與虛擬光碟功能的軟體)
Alcohol120% v2.0.1 Build 1820 繁/簡/英文正式版(光碟燒錄軟體)